Thursday, April 06, 2006

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting 2006 - Day 31

Focus: Running the Race – With Joy.
By Marianne Lako, ACFC, Mercy Ships, Sierra Leone

Scripture Reference:
Running the race set before us – with perseverance – joy –
(Hebrews 12:1).


Athletes or not, we are all in this race together: The race of life. In this Bible passage we are not only reminded to “run the race”, but also to “run the race with perseverance, with joy”. Those of us who are involved in exercise are aware that getting fit and staying fit means perseverance and determination. Exercising once in awhile might make us feel good, but does not prepare us for a “race”.

To win the race we need a goal; for most of us the goal would be to focus on the finish line. In the race of life our focus will be “eternity with Jesus”; not to only run the race, but to finish strong.

That is easier said then done. Maybe when we first started this “race” or journey – we experienced excitement, people were cheering us on, and the first couple of miles were not too bad . . . we were excited and believed in ourselves. Yet once when we get further along, the race it is getting more and more difficult; and unless we keep the “finish line” in mind – it could be very tempting to let go and forget about finishing all together. Yet nothing just happens. We need to practice and continue to strive for the goal set before us. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. We take one step at a time, and one day at a time.

Winning the race of life is getting to know God and seeing our lives transformed in the process. It will require repeated practice. Yet it is worth it. Now the “joy” part is a different story and most of the time a choice we need to make. Am I willing to let go of circumstances around me and focus on God’s “joy”? This is a daily choice to make.

Definition of Joy: To take great pleasure; rejoice, the emotion of great happiness.

Definition of Perseverance: Steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose; steadfastness.

Prayer Points:

* Pray for God’s joy to come and take control of our lives.

* Pray for the work of Mercy Ships, the Anastasis, the Africa Mercy and Mercy Ships Sierra Leone: the Aberdeen Clinic and Fistula Centre and the New Steps Centre and for our local and international staff.

* Pray that key positions at ACFC, such as Finance/Admin Officer and Ward Nursing Supervisor will be filled soon.

* Pray for perseverance in this “race of life”, and that we will be able to finish strong.

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