Wednesday, April 05, 2006

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting 2006 - Day 30

Focus: A Merry Heart
By Larry Mast, IOC

Scripture Reference: “A merry heart does good like a medicine . . . .”(Proverbs 17:22).

Devotional: My wife is an exceptional cook, but sometimes . . . well, things don’t always turn out in life as you’ve planned them.

Several years ago my wife and I sat down to lunch. Helen had heated up a quick meal for me—rice, tomatoes, gravy and meat. She had a leftover salad. I ate about a third of my food without saying anything; not her best ever, but not too bad either. Finally I asked, “What kind of meat is this?”

“Turkey, why?” She replied.

“It tastes like old liver,” I said.

I ate a couple more bites and then Helen got up and went to the kitchen. I immediately heard hysterical laughter. I was sitting with my mouth full when she brought me the empty can and pointed to the label, which she was unable to read aloud due to her laughter. It said, “Turkey & Gravy . . . for dogs and puppies.”

Missionaries are supposed to eat anything and be happy about it but I now confess that I spit it out in the toilet. I think I’d rather have fried grub worms, thank you.

When things calmed down a bit and Helen quit laughing, she explained to me that she got the can at the food bank and hadn’t looked at the label closely. (Obviously!) “But” she said, “It was similar in size to a can of tuna.”

I’ve been pondering over this experience a lot. Mainly I’ve been wondering whether I’m a dog or a puppy. I guess since I’m over 50 I’m probably an adult dog by now. Actually it didn’t seem to hurt me any, it’s just that - - well, every once in awhile I start barking. It’s annoying, kind of like having the hiccups. To avoid any possible further embarrassment, I’ve taken to avoiding fire hydrants until this wears off.

In the midst of life’s serious situations, never pass up the opportunity to laugh at yourself. By the way, we’d love to have you come visit us. Helen will cook up a nice meal for you . . . .

Prayer Points:
* Pray for a positive, faith-oriented and happy outlook on life.

* Pray for the capacity to laugh at ourselves.

* Pray for the ability “to change the things you can, accept the things you cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.” St Francis of Assisi

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